Saturday, October 11, 2008


This shit is the bomb.  Joose has more alchy in it than a sparks and it taste like purple coolaid.

Hell ya to a new form of purple drank.

Had to go take Akira to the vet.  She needed some shots and shit.

Let's just say she was thrilled to be there.

Really thrilled.  Just not a little.

Nikki was playing a vet for a little while.  Probably pressed some buttons she wasn't supposed to.

Akira loosened up a bit and was all smiles.

Nikki does this shit to me and Akria all the time.  Pointin fingers.

Akira would not stay on the damn table.  So during her shots I had to hold her all weird like so the vet could do her thing.

What's in your mix?  

This guy can help you find out.

The other night Bobby, Jake, Tony, and I made a birthday song for Mr. Dave Stach.  

It's a beautiful song and supposably it will be on MTV soon?

The bomb ass studio.

My rap for the song.

That's all here. 



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