Sunday, October 19, 2008

2 weeks early

Deidre was in town.  We needed halloween outfits so this is part of the journey.

Walked through the dangerous alleys of Bucktown.

Bobby made me do it.

This was to freaking funny not to share.

Obama was in the house.

Need a mask?  This place had some.

This little kid outfit was creepy.  It looked super fake.

This one gave me a what the fuck moment.

Yeah the kids names Billy.  

Bang bang terrorist.

This is what I am for Halloween, and many more parties to come.

PP in the house.  Party Penguin.

Yeah. . . .

Bobby lovin

Aww Deidre.

Flappers yes?

Le Bobby

You know you were probably one of these.  Which were you?

Nikki almost got this for mut dog.

almost. . . .

Hispanic gangsta Alien anyone?

And for better pictures check facebook

Here's the link if you don't have good ol mind warping facebook.

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