Monday, October 27, 2008

The day Akira got fixed.

Had to get up around 7:30 to take the mut dog to the vet.  The clouds were looking kinda cool.  I was hoping for snow?

I know it's early I just want a change in scenery.  

Nikki walked the mut so I could shoot photos.  Akira is a freak.  She kept trying to jump into the street.  Or would storm through muddy shit or would stomp through puddles.  Nothing got in her way.  Oh and along the way she would bite at every single piece of trash she strolled by.

Good dog.


Stress filling out the paper work.  It's like she had to put Akira to sleep or something.

Shane Black has a fat wiener dog.  Brandon Brake has a fat wiener dog.  So does this old lady.

Boca Burgers beotchhhh.

That's right got that grocery cart stocked full of shit thats good for ya.  

Cribs hit me up, I forgot to show you my fridge. 

Pretty cool lighting.

Ha, she's back and everything went well.

It's still funny.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lunch with Jonathan

This guy has Chicago's best costumes.

I would say thats a pretty bold statement.

If you get lunch with me there is a pretty good chance I'm going to take your photo over and over.

Chili's has all you can eat chips for like 3 dollars. . . .

Poor mans lunch

Yes I mean you Mr. Vela.

I have my first out of two midterms tomorrow.

Good thing I got that goose brew to help me study.



Sunday, October 19, 2008

2 weeks early

Deidre was in town.  We needed halloween outfits so this is part of the journey.

Walked through the dangerous alleys of Bucktown.

Bobby made me do it.

This was to freaking funny not to share.

Obama was in the house.

Need a mask?  This place had some.

This little kid outfit was creepy.  It looked super fake.

This one gave me a what the fuck moment.

Yeah the kids names Billy.  

Bang bang terrorist.

This is what I am for Halloween, and many more parties to come.

PP in the house.  Party Penguin.

Yeah. . . .

Bobby lovin

Aww Deidre.

Flappers yes?

Le Bobby

You know you were probably one of these.  Which were you?

Nikki almost got this for mut dog.

almost. . . .

Hispanic gangsta Alien anyone?

And for better pictures check facebook

Here's the link if you don't have good ol mind warping facebook.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I can't do it anymore.

I'm done with smoking.  A pack a day is costing to much money.  
So as of now I'm done.

Money is solely going to photography stuff, clothes, food, and tattoo's.

End of fucking story.



Saturday, October 11, 2008


This shit is the bomb.  Joose has more alchy in it than a sparks and it taste like purple coolaid.

Hell ya to a new form of purple drank.

Had to go take Akira to the vet.  She needed some shots and shit.

Let's just say she was thrilled to be there.

Really thrilled.  Just not a little.

Nikki was playing a vet for a little while.  Probably pressed some buttons she wasn't supposed to.

Akira loosened up a bit and was all smiles.

Nikki does this shit to me and Akria all the time.  Pointin fingers.

Akira would not stay on the damn table.  So during her shots I had to hold her all weird like so the vet could do her thing.

What's in your mix?  

This guy can help you find out.

The other night Bobby, Jake, Tony, and I made a birthday song for Mr. Dave Stach.  

It's a beautiful song and supposably it will be on MTV soon?

The bomb ass studio.

My rap for the song.

That's all here. 



Friday, October 3, 2008