Sunday, November 2, 2008

The weekend.

I've been working a lot so I don't get to take a lot of photos.  But I do when I can.  I love how blogger fucks up the quality but you get the idea.

Thats her " Hey I'm chewing on your stuff when I know I'm not supposed to" face.

Went in to see Fred at work after dinner with one of my sisters Mindi.  

Fred was scoping out the new Joker comic I picked up and the Wu-Tang Clan flyer.  They're here December 14th.  Any takers?

Oh and by the way I never read comics but if you like the Joker in batman then you should probably pick up this new comic called Joker by DC comics.

This is were Fred works.

Yeah real cute couples photo right here.  Thanks you two!


Well I gotta go take photos of naked people. 

Buenos noche, 


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