Thursday, June 5, 2008

Classy as hell...

So this is my lunch break at work:

Speed walk to the cafe, grab a fish sandwich, bag of chips, Mt. dew.

Speed walk to my car, while attempting to eat chips and drink beverage.

Get to car smoke a cigarette as fast as possible, while sipping on the Mt. Dew.

Eat Fish sandwich.

Light another cig.

Finish Chips.

Start speed walking back to work, with cig in hand.

Put out cig and speed walk back to where I work.

I'm so fucking classy...

...  Sigh



1 comment:

C8 said...

i don't think that was not classy
[which i believe was the implication]

in fact, i think it's impossible to have a classy lunchbreak. even if you are the businessman of all business men.

i know yesterday on my lunchbreak i bought mascara, smoked a menthol cigarette and talked on the phone as i ordered subway. i mean come on.
