Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's been a while...

I have had nothing worth posting the past couple days.

But today that changes.

I had to get my leg sliced open. Quite gross. But I needed it done. It hurt to much. I got pictures.

So Drew fucked up my shin while playing soccer. This is the result:

So I went in to get it drained. After they numbed my bump with 2 needles they cut the shit open with a razor. Then they start to squeeze blood out. Sometimes the blood clots. Like so:

After they squeeze what they can out, it looks like you got a little vagina in your shin:

When its all done and over, they super glue that shit up real nice like.

Over all I would say the operation was a success.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Road Trip...

So today around 2 o'clock I was wondering why I am not at the beach with my family. So after brainstorming for a bit and after a few phone calls I decided I would be on my way to the Outer Banks. Kyle was with me so I brought him along. This was only the start of the trip.

So around 4:30 we were on the road. We had to stop at the local smoke shop to pick up some shi sha.

Kyle took a nap...

This was the music we listened to:

The Kook's (this was played a million times)


Foo Fighters


Against Me!

At one of the gas stations a creepy hick family asked me for some kind of help. I lied and said I was on my way to a family emergency. When I said that some sketchy dudes walked up so Kyle thought that would be a good time to split.

Somewhere through Virginia we decided to smoke some hookah. That was a first for the both of us for sure. Hookah while driving? It's a great idea. I recommend it.

After 13 hours we finally made it. My back hurts pretty bad which has prevented me from sleeping. Whoa! Watch out all nighter duder right here. Watch yourself.

Oh and it's beautiful here, minus the constant smell of fire from the wildfires in Virginia. But that's how it goes.

When I got here I walked around and took some photos.

When I was headed back I saw my uncle Bryan fishing away...



Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a good past couple of days...

We got some Jerry's

Albert's little brother hung out with us.

He constantly attacked us with his toys and stuff. Oh the joy's of little brothers.

Albert's graduation party was pretty fun.

Oh old pictures. Ha.

Albert had a graduation party. So did Dave. He made it past kindergarten. Congrats to the both of them.

Anah was looking at dirty magazines. What else is new?

Afterwards Albert, Shane, and I got some Shi Sha, watched the new hulk movie (which is great)

Shane wasn't to impressed with his chicken wrap.

Drew showed up to my house drunk as hell. He passed out with his flip flops on which counts as shows. So Drew got drew on...

And then some more...

Albert likes Gypsie...

We played some soccer...

... it's going to be our new thing.

Pop Pong was in full effect...

Albert stopped by today and we rode bikes.

Albert was charging...

Fanny packs are so nice. Carries phones cameras really nice.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Days have been getting lazy...

Grant stopped by...

So today I filled out an application for a home in Bucktown, which I can not get anymore excited about.

I'll be living with Nikki and Kaite, soooo excited.

Moving in July 1st.

So that's where I'll be week of shut down. I'll be looking for job's and enjoying my time in the new home before I have to head back to Marysville for my last couple weeks ever living there. I wish I was rich or at least had a rich family to pay for my schooling and living. That would make life much easier. If that was the case I wouldn't even be here in Marysville. So yeah.
(That is not directed towards any one person or group of people fyi.)



Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gallery hop in Columbus...

So some of the gang headed to Columbus for the good ol' gallery hop.  We decided this was a good idea.

I need this.

Before we got the hop we stop by Magnolia Thunderpussy and then Gypsies to grab some hookah.

These guys are classy as hell. . .

Hookah is good.

A mime stopped by and showed us what he is made of.  He was pretty good but by looking at the makeup I could tell he was a rookie.  But thats alright by me.

So we started walking towards the gallery hop but these two groups distracted us for a little while.

These guy's had a really long name so I don't remember it, but they had flavor.

Karate Coyote was good.  Check out there myspace.

Sole Classic's had dj's spinning all night.  Super sick.

Jean & Company had live models in windows.

Cool ideas in a shop I can't remember.



Saturday, June 7, 2008

Graduation Party..

Last night was Mr. Rubadue's graduation party bon fire thing.

It was pretty sweet.

There was a lot of people hanging out.

There was a full on, decked out tree house that was 2 stories tall..



There was also a really fun trampoline.  Taco was jumping on it and bounced of the tramp onto his back like a punk.  I then jumped off of the tramp and messed my ankle up like a lil bitchhhh.

Albertson was ragin

There was also glow sticks.  Drew's a raver.

I came home to this situation.  A short stick on my corn dog.  Really?



Thursday, June 5, 2008

Classy as hell...

So this is my lunch break at work:

Speed walk to the cafe, grab a fish sandwich, bag of chips, Mt. dew.

Speed walk to my car, while attempting to eat chips and drink beverage.

Get to car smoke a cigarette as fast as possible, while sipping on the Mt. Dew.

Eat Fish sandwich.

Light another cig.

Finish Chips.

Start speed walking back to work, with cig in hand.

Put out cig and speed walk back to where I work.

I'm so fucking classy...

...  Sigh



Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tornado tonight, well this morning?

So I had to work an hour overtime tonight.  Which was not cool, I'm a busy man and had plans at 2 am.

But whatever, Kyle still went with me to the beloved Steak n Shake.

Mad libs are so funny.  Or at least when Kyle and I do them.  
Quite funny and I wish I would have kept them and posted them up here.  But I didn't so oh well.

Frisco melt, you already know.

The lightning on the way home from the shake made it an interesting drive home.  It has been going crazy for the past several hours.  Not once has it got dull or boring to see.  So keep it coming mother earth.

Well it's about that time of morning where its time to go to bed..

... But I couldn't go to bed empty handed



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hello meat...

So today I woke up to the harsh sound of rain.

Rain always seems to put a damper the day.  It makes it all sad and depressing.  But thats how it goes right?

On the way to get lunch with some duders I saw the terminator.  This time he is back in a grey and orange harley davidson rain jumpsuit.  Prepare for a world take over.

Im down with the whole veggie thing for a while.  I need a frisco melt soon, which is why I am going after work with some homies.  Speaking of work I gotta cut this short.  It's go time.



Monday, June 2, 2008


Two words 

China Buffet

For 6 dollars you cant really beat that amount of food that they have to eat there.  Super duper uper good.

Albert and Drew K were busy so Mr. Longbrake met up with me. 

We talked strictly business,
its business as usual.

While we were there we sat next to two older creepers.  They talked about topless girls at the beach and different 45 year old waitresses they thought they might hook up with.  Quite the conversation starter.  Good luck to them.
